Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Independence - Let there be..

Let there be Freedom..

Its been 60 Years !!.. still I dont realize anything has changed
The tyranny , The hereditary Kings, Inequality of all sorts
Still I hear a cry from far away , Let there be Freedom

Then some were Learned , Its still remains Some..
Some dreamt of Freedom , And I learnt , they got it
I never knew what freedom was, but for Hunger
Still I hear a cry from far away , Let there be Freedom

The "White" Spoke English, and my culture was rediculed
And so was my Color, My Dress ,My God
Now, Even my Cry sounds English and in my dreams I Look white
Still I hear a cry from far away , Let there be Freedom

Many said I am poor, I earn less than a dollar, thats what they say
No ! , I am poor only Impoverished by uneducation, deprived of oppurtunuity
But I am Free to beg As I was 60 Years Before..
Still I hear a cry from far away , Let there be Freedom !!!

For me, I was always Free.... I am Free. ....

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